What are Top 10 most-watched TV shows on Netflix in Austria in September, 2023?

The Top 10 most-watched TV series in Austria for September 18th to September 24th look like this

As an entertainment journalist currently living in Vienna, I always like to keep an eye on the Top 10 most-watched TV shows on Netflix in Austria every week.

Not only does it give me an idea of what other people living in Austria are watching, and thus what local entertainment tastes tend to be compared to those in America, it also reminds me about shows I have not yet started viewing.

Shows like Sex Education, Season 4, the teen drama that is currently the #1 most-watched TV show on Netflix in Austria for the week of September 18th to September 24th (the current latest figures released by the streaming platform).

Not a show I would personally watch as it’s not my cup of tea, but one that does have killer music on its soundtrack, so I can recommend it for that.

And also a show that is the #1 most-watched TV show on Netflix in just about every country on the planet at the moment.

So there’s that.

Other shows on the most-watched TV shows on Netflix in Austria, though, are more to my taste, with several on the current Top 10 list I am also currently streaming, and with the #8 show Murdaugh Murders one I recommend.

Top 10 list of TV shows on Netflix in Austria for the week of September 18th to the 24th

According to the streaming platform itself via its Tudum website, the latest most popular shows in Austria go something like this:

    1. Sex Education: Season 4
    2. Dear Child (aka Liebes Kind): Limited Series
    3. One Piece: Season 1
    4. Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons: Season 7
    5. Surviving Summer: Season 2
    6. Virgin River: Season 5
    7. Thursday’s Widows: Limited Series
    8. Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal: Season 2
    9. Burning Body: Limited Series
    10.  Who is Erin Carter?: Limited Series

Interestingly too, only one of them is an original German-language TV show — Dear Child (aka Liebes Kind), the German six-part psychological thriller miniseries that arrived on Netflix on September 7th.

Check out the official trailer for Sex Education, Season 4 below, and you may just see what the drama is so popular in Austria and everywhere else.


About Michelle Topham

I'm a journalist, and the founder of Oh My Vienna. I have been living in Vienna since 2016 as an immigrant, because 'expat' is just a fancy word that means exactly that.