What are requirements for Americans traveling to Austria in July, 2021 and beyond?

With things constantly changing when it comes to traveling to Austria during Covid-19 restrictions, many people will be pleased to learn it is now possible for Americans to travel to Austria in July, 2021 and beyond after most being banned for over a year.

This after Austria has now classified the United States as a ‘low-risk country’, or what the Austrian government calls an ‘Annex A’ country, when it comes to Covid-19.

The new regulations for Americans traveling to Austria came into effect on June 24, 2021, and allow you to do so without need for quarantine when you get here.

As long as you can provide one of three things, that is.


Austria’s current Covid-19 travel protocol for Americans

Under the new Covid-19 travel protocol for Americans, you must be able to provide one of three documents before boarding a plane to Austria, and again upon arrival in the country.

They are:

  • Proof of vaccination (ie: a vaccination certificate)
  • Proof of recovery from COVID-19 (a document from a doctor or public authority within the last six months)
  • A negative COVID-19 test result (either a PCR or rapid antigen test — the PCR test must have been taken no more than 72 hours before arrival in Austria, the antigen test no more than 48 hours before arrival).

Any paperwork must be in English or German. You must also have been in the United States for at least 10 days before departing for Austria.

** NOTE:  In the case of the third option, and especially as the time window the Austrian government allows is so small, you may find you cannot obtain the result of a Covid-19 test in what often amounts to the day before you depart.

In that instance, you can register your travel intent by completing a Pre-Travel Clearance form

Once you arrive in Austria, you will then be mandated to be tested for Covid-19 at your own expense. This must be done within the first 24 hours of arrival.

Be aware, if you do choose this option, you will be required to show proof of having had a Covid-19 test upon arrival at your hotel. If you do not have one, you will not be allowed to check in.

For more information, and to keep up-to-date on the requirements for Americans traveling to Austria in July, 2021 and beyond, head to the Austrian National Tourist Office’s website.

About Michelle Topham

I'm a journalist, and the founder of Oh My Vienna. I have been living in Vienna since 2016 as an immigrant, because 'expat' is just a fancy word that means exactly that.