Current entry rules for Austria from March, 2022 – avoid Vienna if you’re not vaccinated or recovered from Covid-19

Update May 16th, 2022 — All 3G rules have now been dropped for travelers flying to Austria. That means you are no longer required to be vaccinated, have proof of recovery or a negative Covid test for admittance to the country.

As current entry rules for Austria continue to change as Covid-19 is viewed as an endemic illness no more dangerous than the flu for most, Austrian authorities have eased rules for all incoming travelers.

These rules apply to all visitors, legal residents and Austrian citizens.

The current entry rules for Austria as of today, March 11th, 2022 then are valid for all travelers to Austria, whether from an EU or non-EU country.

One or more of the following conditions must apply for the person to be granted entry:

  • Proof of vaccination against Covid-19 (valid for 270 days after the second dose or a booster) OR
  • A certificate proving recovery from the virus, which is valid for 180 days from testing positive for Covid-19, OR
  •  A negative Covid test. Both PCR and rapid antigen tests are acceptable, with the PCR test not older than 72 hours and the rapid antigen test not older than 24 hours upon entry.

Unlike previously, travelers who cannot produce one of the three above documents CAN still enter Austria.

However, they will be required to register for pre-travel clearance, and then quarantine for 10 days. A negative test result will end the quarantine.

Once in Austria, you are not required to show your vaccination or recovered status EXCEPT IN VIENNA, WHICH CURRENTLY HAS MUCH STRICTER RULES. (See below)


If you are not vaccinated against Covid-19 or recovered from the virus, there is little you will be able to do in Vienna under the city’s current restrictions, so you may want to consider traveling elsewhere in Austria, or head to another country, until restrictions change again.

At the moment in Vienna, while you are now allowed to shop in all stores, if you are not vaccinated or have proof of recovery, you cannot go to bars, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs or gyms.


You are not allowed to enter or sit at a cafe in Vienna if you are not vaccinated or recovered.

FFP2 masks are also mandatory in all indoor spaces for everyone in Vienna regardless of vaccination/recovery/testing status, which makes being inside for longer than a few minutes uncomfortable for many people.

That is why we currently recommend avoiding travel to Vienna until the unvaccinated are given the same rights as everyone else, and until FFP2 masks are no longer mandated.

These are the current entry rules for Austria, and for life in Vienna as of March 11th, 2022. We will update them as future changes are announced.

Source: Austrian Tourist Board

About Michelle Topham

I'm a journalist, and the founder of Oh My Vienna. I have been living in Vienna since 2016 as an immigrant, because 'expat' is just a fancy word that means exactly that.