Travelers to Austria do not need to show proof of vaccine, negative test or proof of recovery from May 16th
The Austrian government has finally made the same decision the British government made about their Covid entry restrictions more than two months ago, and has dropped all Covid 3G entry rules as of today, Monday, May 16th.
That means every visitor to Austria, resident or citizen of the country, no longer needs to present proof of a Covid-19 vaccination, a negative Covid test or proof of recovery from the virus upon entry.
This is a far cry from only three months ago, when the Austrian government was not only mandating vaccines for every Austria resident/citizen, but also had strict entry rules in place.
The vaccine mandate was also dropped by the Austrian government in early March, when it became obvious the almost 25% of the country not willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 were still not be willing to be vaccinated, regardless what the government mandated.
Up until yesterday, however, the same 3G rules that have been in place for over a year were also still in place for every traveler arriving in Austria.
Now, travelers can come and go to and from Austria just like they have always done prior to March, 2020.
The reason for ceasing the 3G rules by the government was their belief the Covid-19 situation in Austria no longer requires it.
Of course, as hysteria over Covid-19 still continues by not only the current Austrian government but other governments around the world, this situation could change and 3G could be re-implemented.
That is why it is advised you check with the latest entry requirements to Austria, both before you book a trip and before you travel.
That can currently be done at the Austrian government’s official website.
Do also note, due to a government mandate, travelers on Austrian Airlines will still be required to wear an FFP2 mask on every flight in and out of the country for the foreseeable future.
Hence why, if you are tired of being forced to wear a mask on flights, booking a flight to or from Austria on an airline other than Austrian Airlines will usually mean you do not have to.